Number of Research Groups:04
Number of Researchers:17
Full Name of Laboratory Director: Daiche Kheireddine
Domiciliation:Faculty of Arts and Languages
Land phone/Fax number:
Mobile number:
Creation date:20-07-2014
Order number:547
Aesthetics with its philosophical, literary and artistic concepts at the heart of cognitive and existential questions of scientific research, due to the controversy it raises in understanding and concern it arouses in the definition and designation because sometimes it seems certain that aesthetics is one of the peculiarities of self and human conscience allowing this consciousness to issuing its own judgments and shaping its views of the beautiful and the ugly, the acceptable and refutable, among the subjects and phenomena, sometimes, some consider what is beautiful in itself, in its essence and existence, far from any interpretation or psychological deduction, allowing the understanding of being objective and based on data of things, phenomena and texts.
The fact is that the difference of opinion and controversy in question have enriched the fields of literary and critical research, to the same extent that they have enriched the philosophically and artistically, extending the literary and critical studies of narrative texts and poetry, between a purely subjective and interpretive understanding based on judgments of taste and individual experience, and textual readings based on artistic and linguistic data, therefore, this laboratory entitled "Aesthetics in Literary Studies and Criticism "is a scientific and cognitive space allowing its members to try to study and explore samples of literary and critical studies to meet the concept of aesthetics and its applications on stories and poems on the one hand, and aesthetic theory in its literary and critical concept, and its different research trends on the other hand; in addition to trying to translate some theoretical and practical works at a time, by one of the laboratory teams.
The laboratory aims to achieve a number of objectives:
1- Analitical studies, literary and critical research (Arab and Algerian models) relating to the concepts of aesthetics and how to apply it on corpus (narrative texts and poetry).
2- Enhance, through translation, topics relating to aesthetics and the application of concepts and notions through foreign works onto narrative texts and poetry.
3- To exchange experiences with other laboratories with a similar area of interest, allowing the development of scientific research in Algeria and improving cognitive and pedagogical skills of the teacher-researcher.
4. To publish the work and research carried out in the laboratory, in the form of a journal or scientific publications recognized and subject to the standards of the international scientific research.
5. To organize seminars, conferences and scientific meetings to improve the effectiveness of the teacher-researcher and doctoral student.
6. Involve students (LMD) in research and education to enable them to filfil their theses and written papers.
7. Expand the relationship between teachers and student researchers from different departments and disciplines such as Literature, Translation, French and Philosophy.
1- Applied studies and literary critical analysis works on aesthetics and its aspects.
2- Exploratory research on aesthetics in the field of narrative writings and poetry (Articles, publications and communications).
3. Master the conceptual and theoretical knowledge on aesthetics and its various trends between Literature, Philosophy and Art.
4- Translate to Arabic some critical studies and intellectual works (theoretical and practical) on aesthetics.
5. Assess the general concepts and methods of application of aesthetics between objective criticism and subjective understanding.
Team 01 |
Aesthetics: Concepts and Theories |
Chairman |
Khaireddine Daiche |
Rank : APA |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Kheireddine Daiche |
Doctorate |
Criticism and Reception |
Univ. setif2 |
Samira Benhabilesse |
Magister |
Narration and Criticism |
Univ. setif2 |
Najwa Firane |
Magister |
Deliberative Theory |
Univ. setif2 |
Yacmina Mebarki |
Master |
Doc |
Theory of Literature |
Univ. setif2 |
Team 02 |
Aesthetics in Narrative Studies |
Chairman |
Hacene Rachdi |
Rank : Full Professor |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Hacene Rachdi |
Doctorat |
Full Professor |
Criticism and Translation |
Univ. Setif2 |
Salim Berkene |
Magister |
Discourse Analysis |
Univ. Setif2 |
Fourah Zegdoud |
Doctorat |
Literary Studies |
Univ. Setif2 |
Yamine Raache | Magister | ALA | Univ. Setif2 |
Team 03 |
Aesthetics in Poetry Studies |
Chairman |
Dridi Mabrouk |
Rank : APA |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Dridi Mabrouk |
Doctorate |
Univ. Setif2 |
Saadoune Fatima |
Magister |
Criticism and Poetry |
Univ. Setif2 |
Souad Terchak |
Magister |
Literature and Criticism |
Univ. Setif2 |
Ismahene Mesraa |
Magister |
Linguistics and Semiotics |
Univ. Setif2 |
Team 04 |
Aesthetics and Translation |
Chairman |
Regad Fouzia |
Rank : APA |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Regad Fouzia |
Doctorate SC |
Linguistics and Translation |
Univ. setif2 |
Essaadi Messail |
Magister |
Modern Literature |
Univ. setif2 |
Zineelabidine Hambli |
Master |
Doc |
Theory of Literature |
Univ. setif2 |
Sadoun Nadjet | Master | Doc | U. Alger2 | ||
Reouag Hadia |
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