Number of Research Teams:04
Number of Researchers:17
Full Name of Laboratory Director: Prof. Abdelmalek BOUMENDJEL
Home Department: Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages
Land phone/Fax number:
Mobile number:
Creation date:20/07/2014
Order number:547
The theme of this laboratory is Arabic interaction with the other different disciplines in two cognitive fields, namely: literature and criticism. The notion of the concept of cultural interaction has emerged in contemporary terminology, after a positive and negative exchange with the creation of "acculturation". Moreover, as we wish, through this project, to conduct research on intellectual, methodological and ideological choices, for which opted writers and Arab critics, earlier and nowadays, in the discovery of cultural, cognitive, and aesthetic works, of other cultural milieu be it Western or others; as well as evaluating these choices, we believe that the mostappropriate name for this laboratory would be: (Arabic acculturation laboratory in literature and literary criticism ) without identifying the other side facingacculturation, because this is not the subject of our research. However, it is Arabic interaction with its achievements and visions.
Indeed, the essence of what it aims to do is to address intellectual presence, and Arabic literary criticism in a world where civilizations, cultures, knowledge and trends compete; where aspirations, identities and singularities are scrambling, and every nation or cultural environment affirm their ability to give and to create, the extent of their wisdom to take advantage of things, and the extent of their resistance to domination and trends alienation. This is similar to what Arabic literature and criticism have experienced at various stages of their history, sometimes succeeding and other times failing. We also hope that this project relates these experiences and explores the study and analysis, discussion and justification, and treating and judging, to achieve a state of intellectual consciousness, a civilized sense and creative spirit , allowing the Arab world to live its authenticity, to design its self and for its self, its culture and civilization, which stands out in its mind and conscience the distinction between what is human in common, and what is a practical feature, cultural, linguistic and cognitive.
To accomplish this task, where evaluation work and judgment, historicism and anatomy, linkages and rooting collaborate, we had to divide the work of the laboratory into four teams, each of which supports a vital part and of a heavy task: a team that study Arabic acculturation in critical theory, another team studying Arabic acculturation in critical methods, a third team working on Arabic literature and acculturation in its arts, and a fourth team that takes care of the cultural translation of literature and criticism.
2. Demonstrate the scientific importance of the act of acculturation and the need to sit in the acculturation Arabic literature and criticism on objective and civilizational bases, based on the principle of autonomy, not dependence and the right to be different and unique instead of analogue and blending into the culture of the other.
3. Trace the path of Arab acculturation in literature and criticism throughout the history of the Arab-Islamic civilization, revealing its different ways, and evaluating the extent of its openness to the wisdom, the authenticity and creativity in the interaction with the other.
4- To highlight how the Arabic literature and criticism have taken advantage of the cultures of other nations and civilizations, and discern the singularity points and distinction.
5- Exploring modern Arabic experience in reception theories, critical methods, literary trends and ideologies, to awaken an Arab awareness of the need to have a singular quality and critically, in the receiving culture and the other artistic and cognitive work.
6. Studying Arab literary critic in the light of the acculturation theory to build the vocabulary of the latter, in its cultural and historical context in which the act of acculturation is one of the key elements.
7- Dissect the Arab critical thinking in different historical stages, to reveal the extent of its effectiveness and creativity, and the process of cultural factors influencing its psycho-mental transformations.
8. Enhance Interactive consciousness in the Arab intellectual, whether researcher, creator, player or recipient, to build strong relationships, based on the exchange with acculturation, mutual respect and acculturation conscious.
9. Revise perspectives, theories, classifications and terminology that dominate the Arab literary and critical discourse in the light of the principles and objective criteria to underpin the Act of acculturation.
10. Conduct studies and research. Organize regular seminars and conferencesto serve the major objectives of the laboratory project.
11- Generate a regulated acculturation movement by the principles of conscious acculturation, translating literary and cultural criticism, while relying on bias guided by the cultural, periodicals, adapted to the civilizational peculiarity and opting for a translation approach.
12. Establish cooperative relationships with laboratories with similar objectives of the laboratory, both inside the country and abroad, to take advantage of different experiences, and use the act of acculturation in the methodology of the laboratory work.
Arab Acculturation and Critical Theories |
Title of Team1 |
Arab Acculturation and Critical Theories |
Title |
Rank :Full Professor |
Abdelmalek Boumendjel |
Chairman |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Institution |
Speciality |
Rank |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Full Name |
Univ.setif2 |
Literary Criticism |
F.Professor |
Doctorate |
Abdelmalek Boumendjel |
Univ.Jijel |
Theory of Literature |
Magister |
Djamila Bourahla |
Univ.setif2 |
Literary Criticism |
Magister |
Hayat Djabi |
Univ.setif2 |
Literary Criticism |
Magister |
Zohir Bareche |
Arab Acculturation and Critical Approaches |
Title of Team2 |
Arab Acculturation and Critical Approaches |
Title |
Rank : APA |
Mokhtare melasse |
Chairman |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Institution |
Speciality |
Rank |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Full Name |
Univ.setif2 |
Contemporary Literature |
Doctorate |
Mokhtare Melasse |
Univ.Constantine1 |
Semiotics and Discourse Analysis |
Magister |
Safia Derradji |
Univ.setif2 |
Arabic Science of Language |
Magister |
Bouzid Tabtoub |
Univ.Constantine1 |
Classical Literature |
Magister |
Amel Halitim |
Univ.setif2 | Stylistic Rhetoric |
Magister |
Khalil ben Daamouche |
Acculturation and Arabic Literature and Arts |
Title of Team3 |
Acculturation and Arabic Literature and Arts |
Title |
Rank :Full Professor |
Brahim Sadka |
Chairman |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Institution |
Speciality |
Rank |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Full Name |
Univ.setif2 |
Literary Criticism |
FP |
Doctorate |
Brahim Sadka |
Univ.setif2 |
Modern Criticism |
Doctorate |
Rabeh Ferroudji |
Univ.setif2 |
Literary Criticism |
Magister |
Moussa Mebrak |
Cultural Translation in Literature and Criticism |
Title of Team4 |
Cultural Translation in Literature and Criticism |
Title |
Rank :APA |
Youcef Oustani |
Chairman |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Institution |
Speciality |
Rank |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Full Name |
Univ.setif2 |
Arabic Linguistics |
Doctorate |
Youcef Ouestani |
Univ.setif2 |
Contemporary Literature |
Magister |
Yacine Banabid |
Univ.setif2 |
Contemporary Thought |
Magister |
Latifa Amira |
Univ.setif2 | Translation: Arabic, English, and French | ALP | Magister | Hassina Louaer | ||
Constantine1 | Translation: Arabic, English, and French | ALP | Magister | Abdehafid Taibi |