Scientific Research
- Decree No. 08-130 of May 3rd , 2008 of the special status of Teachers Researchers.
- Executive Decree No. 01-294 of Rajab 13th , 1422 corresponding to October 1st , 2001 setting conditions of recruitment and training in higher educational institutions of Associate and Invited Teachers.
- Joint ministerial decree dated on March 1st , 2012 determines the list of revenues and expenses of the special allocation account number 302.082, entitled ‘National Fund for Scientific Research and Technology Development’
- Executive Decree No. 99-244 of October 31st , 1999 laying down the modalities of organizational and operational laboratories of research.
- Executive Decree No. 99-257 of November 16th , 1999 laying down the modalities of organizational and operational Research Units.
- Executive Decree No. 98-254 of Rabie Ethani 24th , 1419 corresponding to August 17th ,1998 on doctoral education, specialized post-graduation and university accreditatio
- Order No. 521 of September 5th , 2013 laying down the implementation of provisions relating to university accreditation modalities