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Scientific and Cultural Activities

 Symposium on "Archaeology and New Technologies"

The Department of History and Archaeology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences had organized on March 3rd, 2014, at the amphitheater 03, a symposium on "Archaeology and New Technologies". The symposium was an attempt to highlight the need of Archaeology to new technologies. All talks of the symposium were carried out by a group of qualified teachers of University Setif 2, and other guests from the Institute of Archaeology of University Algiers 2


 Symposium on "Political Participation of Algerian Women"

On the occasion of 'Women's Day' the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences had organized on March 6th, 2014, a symposium on "The Political Participation of Women." This symposium was a scientific space in which a group of teachers of the Department  had delivered various talks about different aspects of the theme, and they had addressed two main areas. The first aspect concerned the political participation of women, whereas the second it concerned the political participation of Arab and Algerian women.


Symposium on "Daily Life in Algerian City"

Sociology of daily life in the Algerian city was the subject of a symposium organized by the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, which had been held on March 13th, 2014. Many talks were delivered. Participants remained faithful to two main ideas: a dimension that shows everyday life with the modes that are prevalent and which individuals are subjects to; and a dimension that shows everyday life as a state of creativity with individuals' dedication in the development of its buildings. At last the symposium decided to propose new paradigms to study the already mentioned dualism.


Study day on "Drugs and Violence amongst Young People"

The Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences organized on March 4th, 2014, at the conferences room, a study day on the phenomenon of: "Drugs and Violence amongst Young People'. Specialists from and outside the university addressed this phenomenon, which is more common today in the Algerian society. Thus they generated a high level of feelings of fear, anxiety and resentment, especially in the context of its association with one of its most dangerous factors that is addiction. With the presence of Joud association at the seminar, a competition of the best cartoon about the phenomenon was organized, as well as the interpretation of a significant song for the students who were present in a large number.


University of Sétif- 2- participates in a Mediterranean conference about the the management of human resources

Reports about regional seminars’ communications TEMPUS ‘Management of human resources in higher education in southern Mediterranean countries, study day ERASMUS for all, June 19th-21st , 2013, NicosiaCyprus

University of Sétif -2-participates in the Algerian-Spanish cooperation

An Algerian-Spanish meeting was organized by the Algerian Minister of higher education and     scientific research and the Conference of Rectors of spanish universities October the 28th& 30th, in the University of Oran Essenia. This meeting has witnessed the participation of 20 algerian universities and 15 spanish ones.

University of Sétif 2 represents algerian higher education in Rome

November the 6th &7th ,2013

In the framework of cooperation and inter-university exchanges and in order toimplementthe new Tempus and Erasmus+a  meeting will be held on November the 6th & 7th, 2013in Rome, Italy. This meeting will gather more than 150 participant countries, and it will be an opport unity to establish the terms of operations and implementation of students’exchange programs in the LMD syetem.


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