Number of Research Groups:06
Number of Researchers:31
Full Name of Laboratory Director:Dr . Saoud Taher
Domiciliation:Department of Sociology/Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
Land phone/Fax number: 036661114
Mobile number:0779 21 09 69
Creation date: 03/04/2013
Order number: 242
- Cares about the support of cooperation and mutual coordination between the university as an institution of knowledge and economic, productive institutions and other media.
- Uncover the underlying causes of the increasing problem of social problems in contemporary Algerian society, identifying the most effective ways and means to address and alleviate these very complex problems.
- Put forward alternative strategies, which will contribute to activating the role of the various national institutions and strengthen mutual trust among them, in order to support integration in achieving its objectives.
- Promote community participation in bringing about the desired change in accordance with the perception that combines maintaining one’s own authenticity with openness to modernity.
- The development of scientific research methods, mechanisms and tools, which fit the nature of the phenomena, studied in our contemporary Algerian, and its privacy of quality.
- Dissemination of the work and activities of the laboratory.
- Organizing seminars and cultural symposiums which contribute to achieving the laboratory scientific goals.
- Support the process of framing pedagogical especially among graduate students engaged in research groups.
- Training professors and researchers and providing them with the necessary means to accomplish their research, in addition to providing them with a scientific and cultural atmosphere for interaction, competition and enthusiasm.
- Diagnose the problems and major issues raised in the national arena.
- Deepen the process of communication and cooperation between the various economic and educational institutions of society, which lead to activating their role in society to create continuity between university and the community as stipulated in the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
- Enrich the library of Algerian studies and in-depth scientific research (theoretical and practical) on issues of the Algerian society and its problems.
- Enrich knowledge and development of theoretical and empirical sides of the Algerian society.
- Scientific training and training in the completion of theoretical and applied field research to raise the spirit of scientific interaction between researchers, professors and graduate students.
- Contribute to the national project which aims to sustain the development of human resources.
Team 01 |
Labor Relations in the Algerian Institution : An analytical study of labor relations in the light of privatization |
Chairman |
Sefari Miloud |
Rank : Full Professor |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Sefari Miloud |
Doctorate |
Full Professor |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Moukrani Abderrezak |
Doctorate |
Associate Professor A |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
KHERCHI Zineddine |
Magister |
Associate Lecturer A
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
NOURI Drise |
Associate Lecturer A |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Team 02 |
Womenand Crime : Problem ofSocial EquilibriumandPsychological Stability |
Chairman |
Zerarka Fairouz |
Rank : Associate Professor A |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Zerarka Firouz |
Doctorat Es Sciences |
Full Professor |
Social Science |
University Setif2 |
BEN LAMA Siham |
Magister |
Social Science |
University Setif2 |
LAALOUI Djamila |
Magister |
Social Science |
University Setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
University Setif2 |
Zerarka Fadhila |
Magister |
Social Science |
University Bejaia |
Team 03 |
Urban growthand the problems ofAlgerian cities: A sociological studyinSetif |
Chairman |
Saoud Taher |
Rank : Associate Professor A |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
Saoud Taher |
Doctorate |
A P A |
Social Science |
Univ. Setif2 |
Mahour Bacha Abdhalim |
Doctorate |
A P B |
Social Science |
Univ. Setif2 |
KARBOUE Abderrezak |
Magister |
Social Science | Univ. Setif2 | ||
DRAA Abdallah | Magister | ALA | Social Science | Univ. Setif2 | ||
NOUI Ammar | Magister | ALA | Social Science | Univ.BBA | ||
NOUARI Nasredinne | Magister | ALB | Social Science | Univ. Setif2 |
Team 04 |
Cultural and Economic Values in the Algerian Institution |
Chairman |
BOUCHAIR Abdelaziz |
Rank : Associate Professor A |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
BOUCHAIR Abdelaziz |
Doctorate |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
KAROUAZ Douadi |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Doc |
Social Science |
Univ.Alger2 |
Team 05 |
المقاولتية والنوع الاجتماعي: دراسة في المسارات السوسيو-ثقافية للمرأة المقاولة في الجزائر |
Chairman |
MOKRANI Anouar |
Rank : APA |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
MOKRANI Anouar |
Doctorate |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
FELKAOUI Nadjoua |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
DJELLAL Abdelhalim |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
FOUDADE Karima |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Team 06 |
الحداثة وانعكاساتها على منظومة القيم ورهانات التجديد التربوي |
Chairman |
BELAKROUZ Abderrezak |
Rank : APA |
List of team members’ names ordered according to the their highest rank |
Full name |
Highest Degree Obtained |
Rank |
Speciality |
Institution |
BELAKROUZ Abderrezak |
Doctorate |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
AMOUR Abdsalam |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
ALIOUA Abdelghani |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
MEHADI Mounir |
Magister |
Social Science |
Univ. setif2 |
Laboratory Activities for the academic year: 2017 - 2018
برنامج الندوات والورشات والملتقيات للمخبر للسنة الجامعية2017 – 2018 |
الندوة |
المشاركون |
التاريخ |
محطات من تاريخ الثورة في ولاية سطيف |
سفيان لوصيف بشير فايد عدد من قدماء المجاهدين من ولاية سطيف |
06 نوفمبر2017 |
البناء المنهجي للفكر والممارسة البحثية |
بلعقروز عبد الرزاق عبدالرزاق أمقران- صلاح الدين تيغبيت -ورشة لطلبة الدكتوراه: علم الاجتماع التنظيم والعمل، علم اجتماع الاتصال والعمل الاجتماعي -ورشة لطلبة دكتوراه فلسفة القيم وإيبستمولوجية العلوم الإنسانية ورشة لطلبة دكتوراه الإشهار والعلاقات العامة |
ديسمبر 2017 |
الجندر والمقاولتية في الجزائر |
فرقة بحث: أنور مقراني - فلكاوي نجوى- جلال عبد الحليم -الرزقي كتاف -مريم بودوخة-كريمة فوداد |
جانفي 2018 |
التيارات الفكرية والثقافية في الجزائر |
فرقة بحث: الطاهر سعود عبد الحليم مهورباشا - عبد الله ذراع - عبد الرزاق قربوع - نصر الدين نواري - عمار نوي |
فيفري 2018 |
سؤال المفاهيم في العلوم الاجتماعية |
عبد الرزاق بلعقروز - عبد الحليم مهورباشا |
مارس 2018 |
الورشات التكوينية المتخصصة |
المهارات الدراسية للطالب الجامعي |
فيروز زرارقة خالد عبد السلام ميلود سفاري |
أفريل 2018 |
تقنيات البحث الاجتماعي |
حسان حامي بلقاسم بلقيدوم فاروق يعلى |
أفريل 2018 |
الملتقيات والأيام الدراسية |
يوم دراسي بعنوان: دور مؤسسات التربوية والاجتماعية في تكريس التربية الإعلامية |
سامية عواج |
ماي 2018 |
واقع المجتمع الجزائري المعاصر: "التحولات والآفاق" |
أ.د. ميلود سفاري |
ماي2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الثالثة علم اجتماع التنظيم والعمل |
د.أنور مقراني |
جانفي 2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الثالثة فلسفة القيم وإيبستمولوجية العلوم الإنسانية |
د. عبد الرزاق بلعقروز |
جانفي 2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الثالثة إشهار وعلاقات عامة |
د.سامية عواج |
جانفي 2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الأولى والثانية علم اجتماع التنظيم والعمل |
د.أنور مقراني |
جوان 2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الأولى والثانية فلسفة القيم وإيبستمولوجية العلوم الإنسانية |
د. عبد الرزاق بلعقروز |
جوان 2018 |
يوم دكتورالي لطلبة السنة الأولى والثانية إشهار وعلاقات عامة |
د.سامية عواج |
جوان 2018 |