- Deliberation minutes of the contest’s committee (One copy for each student)
- Minutes of the meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Department and the Scientific Council of the Faculty validating the competition results
- Copy of bachelor's degree
- Copy of graduation diploma
- Original Birth Certificate
- Two photos
- Higher School Certificate (03 copies)
- University status sheet
- Minutes of the Scientific Committee declaring the student admitted + administrative certificate of the person concerned
- Payment Receipt of registration fees
- Legalized Commitment justifying that the student is not enrolled at another university
- Permission of the employing institution for employees
- Registration form in the National Portal Reporting Theses (PNST)
- Certificate of success for the first year containing marks
- Minutes of Proceedings signed by all teachers in the Magister project
- Minutes of the Scientific Committee of Magister meeting
- Minutes of the Scientific Committee and Council regarding the approval of enrollment, the research topic and the name of supervisor
- Higher School Certificate (03 copies)
- Re-enrollment document in Magister (01 copy)
- Identification Form of the theme of the work
- Payment Receipt of registration fees
- CV of the supervisor
- Supervisor’s acceptance form to supervise
- Specialty and Rank form of the supervisor
- Electronic copy of the research proposal
- Supervisor’s Report justifying the delay date thesis defense and bearing the approval of the Scientific Committee
- Minutes of the Scientific Committee of the Department and the Scientific Council meeting approving the registration
- Higher School Certificate (03 copies)
- Re-enrollment document in Magister (01 copy)
- Payment Receipt of registration fees
- Payment Receipt of registration fees
- CV of the supervisor
- It is imperative to ensure compliance with the registration deadlines for first year students. Registrations must be done immediately after the announcement of the competition results. In case one or more successful candidates do not show up, they must be replaced as soon as possible by candidates from the waiting list, in accordance with the dates of the beginning of the course.
- It is also imperative to include the replacement decision of a late coming student in each of the minutes of the Committee and the Scientific Council.
- It is mandatory to ensure that the specialty contained in the datasheet of registration and tuition certificate corresponds to the Ministerial Order of specialties opened in Magister.
- Permission is granted to holders of the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) to enroll in the second year, outside the specified quorum, after obtaining an equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and the approval of the scientific Committee of the Department and the Scientific Council of the Faculty.
- In case of changing the title of the work or the supervisor for students of second and third year, it is imperative to have it validated by the Committee and the Scientific Council and to annex this minutes in the registration file.
Deadlines for registrations:
For the success of registration process, it is mandatory to respect deadlines, in order to allow the transmission of registration records to the Vice-chancellor, after the first meeting of the Scientific Council of the Faculty.
- Minutes of the deliberation of the Contest Committee (01 copy for each student) for PhD students of cycle three
- Minutes of the Board and Scientific Committee bearing subscription approval, the research topic and the supervisor's name
- Registration form completed and signed (01 copy)
- Identification form of the intended thesis
- Certificate of Registration (03 copies)
- Legal Commitment showing that the appliant is not enrolled at another university
- Receipt for payment of registration fees.
- Photocopies of the following diplomates: Baccalauréat degree, graduation and post-graduation degrees
- Original Birth Certificate
- Two photos
- University status sheet
- Supervisor's CV
- Supervision Acknowledgement Form
- Copy of the decision bearing the supervisor's specialty and rank
- Registration form in the National Portal of Theses (PNST)
- Copy of Magister Dissertation defendedfor students coming from other universities
- Electronic copy of the research project
- Copy of the descriptive annex, for PhD students of cycle three
- Minutes of the Board and Scientific Committee approving the student's re-enrollment on the basis of the report provided by the supervisor, and which shows the thesis extent of progress
- Registration form completed and signed (01 copy)
- Certificate of Registration (03 copies)
- Receipt for payment of registration fees
Deadlines for registrations:
For a successful registration it is obvious to respect the deadlines. This is to allow the transmission of applications to the Vice-Rector, after the first session of the Scientific Council of the Faculty.
General Notes
- All non complete files are systematically rejected.
- All documents must be typed and coform to the attached forms, in both form and content. Forms are available on the university website: www.univ-setif2.dz
- Documents must be dated and stamped
- All documents must be original and not scanned (Faxed documents or other are not accepted)
- All necessary information required have to be mentioned in those forms
- Information on registration and re enrollment forms, certificate of registration and certificate of attendance must be checked before being sent to our services.
- The supervisor must belong to Associate Professors rank (A) or Full Professors, except in some cases approved by the Scientific Council of the University.
- Any change concerning the topic of research or the supervisor is subject to the approval of the Scientific Committee. This will be mentioned in the file.
1- Maximum PhD registration is limited to six consecutive registrations.
2. The maximum number of consecutive registrations for Magister is limited to three registrations