
صدور العدد01 من المجلد 19 لسنة 2022

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Scholarship Offers at Saudi Universities                    Scholarships from Seoul National University in South Korea        Application Form        Program        Training Offer in the Republic of Bulgaria                                         Announcement of Training Offers in India                                         Scholarship from the Government of Mexico                                         Announcement of the Prince Nayef Prize for Arab Security                                         The first competition for building an Algerian Linux Distribution                                         National University Swimming Event - Technical Card                                         Organization of the "03" edition of the University Olympic Sports and Cultural Olympiad for Students with Disabilities                                         Scholarship Offer by the Republic of Azerbaijan                                         China Scholarships Offers                                         Call for applications for scholarships in the Republic of Mauritius

Vice-Chancellery in charge of Higher Education, Continuing Education and Diplomas


Vice Chanceller: Dr.Hadna Khaled

Phone number: 036661177 Fax: 036 661177

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Including the following services:

       • Teaching, internships and assessment service,

      • Continuing education service,

      • Degrees and equivalencies service.

The vice-Chancellery for higher education, continuing education and diplomas is responsible for:

  • following up issues that are related to the course of teaching and internships organized by the university,

  • ensuring the consistency of training offers provided by faculties and institutes with the university developmental plan,

  • ensuring fulfillment with the regulations in force related to registration, re-registration, knowledge control and students’ progress,

  • following distance learning procedures provided by the university and promoting continuing education activities,

  • ensuring conformity with regulations and procedures in force related to degrees and equivalencies issues,
  • ensuring maintenance and updatingfiles containing students names .


Graduation studies organizational arrangements and students admission of this level are governed by the Ministerial Decision No. 151 of November 2nd, 1998 amending and supplementing the Decision No. 128 of September 17th, 1998



• Studies system is a modular one, in both long and short cycles, since modules are semester-based or yearly and bear coefficients. The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials/ or practical classes

• In most cases, a Common Core is provided during the first or two first year(s), before specialization. If required, training courses are held, usually in the last year. They are of varying duration, depending on the branch nature

• A research dissertation is also required in some branches

• The student's class attendance is mandatory. Failure to attend 05 sessions of one given module leads to the exclusion of the student in the given exam.


The Registration and Reenrolement take place in a single common core or a single specialty. The administrative and educational registration procedures of new high school graduates are subject to criteria established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and to a circular of which a copy is included in a prospectus given to students with their Baccalaureate's statement of marks. This is in order to facilitate their orientation towards branches in which they have the right to register. Reenrolement of students who pass to the next year or those who retake their classes is held at the Faculties, according to a schedule established by these faculties.


  •  The general organization of the evaluation is governed by Decision No. 128 of September 17th, 1998 and Decision No. 151 of November 2nd, 1998, laying down evaluation and admission organization terms concerning higher education in graduation level

  •  It includes: Tutorials or practical classes evaluation, partial exams at the end of the semester, and an optional second session

  •  The Pedagogical Committee of the Department determines the number of tests per module, such number should not exceed:

  •  02 term exams plus a final exam for yearly modules

  •  A term exam plus a final one for the semester or sub-semester based modules

  • The annual or semi-annual general average is compensatory, and it is calculated on the basis of the average of marks obtained in the different modules and their coefficients

  •  The candidate's eligibility to pass to the next semester or year is determined by

  •  An average equal or superior to 10/20

  •  An average of at least 5/20 per module

  •  The « Synthesis » examination –optional- covers the semester or yearly syllabus, and is organized for the benefit of students who did not obtain the annual or semi-annual general average. A second session of exams (Resit) is organized for those who do not meet these requirements




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